This exhibition features five videos by Neil Brownsword, Alexandra Engelftiet, Lee Minjae, Lee Chan Min, and Roy Maayan & Anat Kats, hands-on clay activities and airball bed zone.
Decades ago, when there were no playgrounds, children would play outside and become extremely dirty, but they naturally acquired far greater immunity than children today. Now, people are finally rediscovering the value of earth and are doing their best to recreate such an environment for children again.
Claytopia is a hands-on-exhibition. Visitors first watch five videos by five world-renowned ceramic artists about the nature of ceramics and making pottery. Then, they make their own pottery with soft celadon clay, and their pottery will be exhibited in the exhibition hall for everyone to see and enjoy.
The five videos will be shown in the airball bed zone so that the visitors can watch them in a comfortable setting.