Journey into any time, any place
This exhibition follows onggi potters as nomads in modern and contemporary society, from the late 19thtothe21stcenturies.Withfocusonthekeyword‘nomads,’theexhibitiondepictstheirlivesofroaminghereandthere,whetherbytheirownvolitionoragainsttheirwill,byshowingimagesofpottersinthepastfindinghappinessinrelationshipsandlaughteramidwidespreadchaosandmentalandphysicaltorment.
The exhibition approaches the identity and presence of onggi potters by connecting the concept of ‘individual potters’ journeys to find themselves due to transcendental homelessness’ to the lives of onggi potters of modern times. It presents scenes of potters making ‘onggi’’ as a means of self-actualizing in life in each period. Through photos and film footage, the exhibition also tells their stories that otherwise may disappear into oblivion. The audience will have a wonderful time hearing the unspoken words of onggi potters, who used to work with their hands in reddish clay slip.